We believe that the library builds the foundation for a life-long love of reading. Stories ignite a child's imagination.
about the library
The library offers a magical environment where stories come to life. Students check out books to read at home, explore makerspaces, recreate favorite stories, and enjoy creative art experiences in our art studio.
The Building Block Award is a book award sponsored by the Missouri Association of School Librarians.
This award is presented annually to the author and illustrator of the picture book voted most popular by preschool children in Missouri's public libraries and is designed to encourage reading aloud to children from birth through kindergarten age.
The purpose of the Show Me Readers Award is to promote literature, literacy, and reading in Missouri elementary schools for grades one through three and to promote recognition of authors and illustrators of books that are favorites of Missouri children in these grades.
By Alex Willan
By Julie Falatko and illustrated by Ruth Chan
By Lindsay Ward
By Crystal Hubbard and illustrated by Alleanna Harris
By Rebecca Kraft Rector and illustrated by Shanda McCloskey
By Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Gladys Jose
By Cheryl Klein and illustrated by Abhi Alwar
By Philip C. Stead and illustrated by Matthew Cordell
By Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Peter Brown
By Jen Arena and illustrated by Jessica Gibson
Cherin McDonald